wild alaskan facebook ad (spec).
short length (<125 words)
medium length (~50 - 250 words)
long length (~300 - 600 words)
The Challenge: Provide copy for three versions of primary text for a Facebook ad that promotes the Wild Alaskan Wild Salmon Subscription Box. Each version will be used in a A/B test, so the headline and link description will remain the same. Provide an appropriate call-to-action based on Facebook’s button options.
The Brand Voice: Insightful, relatable, fun.
The Desired Outcome: Click on the “Learn More” button, which will bring readers to a subscription landing page.
The Solution: Because the target demographic for this ad is health-conscious individuals between ages 30-45 who like to stay active and eat healthy, as well as making it a priority for their families, I promoted the health benefits of a salmon-rich diet within the language of the ad while also emphasizing the convenience of a monthly subscription. I provided nutritional information in addition to how those health benefits would positively impact the reader’s daily activities and lifestyle.
The use of consumer testimonials was a purposeful inclusion, in an effort to assuage perceived reservations that consumers would have about receiving fresh fish through a meal service.
I also included relatable family dynamics (chores, kids’ activities, etc.) that would benefit from the convenience of having healthy meals delivered.
Although the target consumer is willing to pay more for a quality product, they are price-conscious. The $15 discount benefit is prominently showcased in the ad headline, as well as within the copy of each version of the ad.